Database Category: Healthcare & Telemedicine

Health officials in multiple California counties say the electronic system used by most local health departments statewide to report data on infectious diseases is currently experiencing “serious” technical issues, resulting in coronavirus cases being significantly undercounted.

Which California counties have the highest rates of coronavirus hospitalization? CalMatters is following confirmed and suspected cases. Some are a surprise.

The buggy system was revealed a day after Gov. Gavin Newsom reported a welcome drop in the state’s positivity rate. An undercount hampers counties’ ability to investigate cases.

Judy Bracken first heard it a few years ago from a hospital social worker: If Bracken wanted her adult son, who has schizoaffective disorder, to receive long-term mental health treatment, she should get him off her private insurance, UnitedHealthcare, and onto the public system for low-income people in Contra Costa County.

Most counties, even those with thousands of COVID-19 cases, attempt to notify everyone exposed. But seven inform only high-risk people – and another isn’t even doing that.

This week, San Bernardino County canceled hundreds of appointments due to a shortage of materials. Five testing sites were shut down in Sacramento because UC Davis Health, which processes the tests, couldn’t procure enough kits. Unable to meet soaring demand, Los Angeles County asked residents to get tested only if they have symptoms, work in […]

The fastest supercomputer in the U.S. is being put to work in the search for a vaccine to prevent the coronavirus and treat those infected by it.

Months after advocates warned that the coronavirus pandemic could take a severe toll on LGBTQ people, Gov. Gavin Newsom’s administration is telling health professionals to track the disease’s impact on the community.

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