Database Category: Healthcare & Telemedicine

Amid a continued surge in hospitalizations and ICU admissions, Gov. Gavin Newsom on Thursday made public the coronavirus models California is using to inform its public health orders, calling on “citizen scientists,” “experts in artificial intelligence,” “Nobel laureates” and everyday people to help improve the models.

The new hot spot: Newsom targets Central Valley for $52 million coronavirus aid

Eight Central Valley counties will get help with staffing, testing and contact testing to try and slow the virus’ deadly spread, particularly among essential workers.

California lawmakers are returning to work Monday for a furious five-week sprint that will include contentious debates about police brutality, unemployment benefits, hospital mergers and a moratorium on evictions during the coronavirus pandemic.

The nation’s leading public health figure in the coronavirus pandemic gave California a pat on the back for its reopening efforts but cautioned young people to be vigilant.

California lawmakers are returning to work Monday for a furious five-week sprint that will include contentious debates about police brutality, unemployment benefits, hospital mergers and a moratorium on evictions during the coronavirus pandemic.

As the state reported a record number of single day coronavirus cases of 12,807, Newsom said hospitals are not adequately distributing masks to workers. The state’s hospital association contends the supply chain “remains spotty.”

Patient portals offer great potential to improve patient engagement and participation in their health care.2 However, while use of portals has continued to rise in the aggregate, this growth has not been distributed evenly across Americans, with low-income, African American, rural, and older adults repeatedly showing lower rates of use of these technologies.

Expect fireworks throughout the fall as powerful interest groups compete for airtime and attention during an unprecedented presidential election in a pandemic year.

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