Database Category: Public Policy

Oakland city officials announced legislation today intended to prevent President Trump from sending federal troops to the city – as he threatened to do last week in response to protests – amid heightened concern following Saturday’s demonstration, vandalism and fire to the Alameda County Courthouse.

California lawmakers are returning to work Monday for a furious five-week sprint that will include contentious debates about police brutality, unemployment benefits, hospital mergers and a moratorium on evictions during the coronavirus pandemic.

With a series of temporary protections that helped Californians get through the first few months of the pandemic set to expire soon, Gov. Gavin Newsom hinted he will today extend some programs in another flex of executive power.

Mayors for a Guaranteed Income is the brainchild of Michael Tubbs, the 29-year-old mayor of Stockton, California.

Gov. Gavin Newsom has appointed an 80-member task force to guide California’s economic recovery. We should not have high expectations.

Almost 100 days ago, California Gov. Gavin Newsom tapped Apple’s Tim Cook, Disney’s Bob Iger, former Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen and scores of other business and labor luminaries to chart the state’s economic recovery. The public is still waiting for a road map.

List of members of the Governor’s Task Force.

With state and federal worker assistance set to expire at the end of July, Gov. Gavin Newsom discussed efforts to extend protections for essential workers, but stopped short of further executive orders to lock in those measures.

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