Database Category: Public Policy

Gov. Gavin Newsom’s announcement comes as some county public health officers in California face severe pushback for their face mask orders.

Unless California gets billions in federal money, state workers will lose about 10% of their paychecks and the two university systems will lose a combined $602 million.

This timeline tracks how California state and local governments tackled the evolving COVID-19 crisis since the first case was detected.

President Trump has declared a national emergency along with 50 governors declaring state emergencies (Figure), which are unprecedented actions. Social distancing aims to flatten the epidemic curve to moderate demand on the health system.

Having learned a hard lesson from the 2008 financial crisis, CalPERS has taken steps over the last couple of years to prepare for another downturn.

Gov. Gavin Newsom says the new California state budget is balanced, but in reality it has a huge deficit that will be covered by indirect borrowing.

Hotel and travel businesses will have to rehire by seniority. Oakland is the latest city to pass a “right to recall” ordinance, following San Francisco and Los Angeles.

Once a rarity, state takeovers of on-the-edge nursing homes are expected to become more common as the pandemic tips facilities further into chaos.

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