In Google’s case, extra cautious: Roughly 200,000 full-time and contract Googlers won’t be returning to the office until July 2021, the company said this week. Google is as data-driven as they come; I’d bet the search giant didn’t just rely on its gut to make this decision.
The company “disregarded inescapable evidence of rising infection levels among its workers,” the lawsuit says.
Surge in unemployment claims plagued by old IT system. California’s coronavirus death model comes under scrutiny. All-mail election looks likely.
California’s constitution requires a balanced budget, leaving the state few options to stimulate the economy or help people without jobs. Democrats, however, have found a loophole: “borrowing” federal dollars to continue benefits for the state’s unemployed.
Currently Senate Republicans are offering a proposal to reduce this weekly $600 supplement to closer to $200. This is better than allowing the $600 benefit to go all the way to zero, but this would still lead to GDP that was lower by 2.5% a year from now, and, would lead to 3.4 million fewer […]
A plan proposed Monday by Senate Republicans, the HEALS Act, would lower the unemployment insurance (UI) weekly benefit supplement from $600 per week to $200 per week for the next two months, before capping payments at 70 percent of a worker’s prior income. A new analysis by Century Foundation researchers finds that, if enacted, the […]
One major section of the HEALS Act proposes a drop in enhanced unemployment benefits from the current $600 per week to a new $200 weekly boost, on top of state-administered aid, until the end of September.
Google will allow most employees to work from home through June 2021 as coronavirus infections surge, keeping one of the biggest workforces in tech and the Bay Area away from the office.