What’s On Our Radar?

Outreach on Employer Immigration Education: What are the rights of employers and protections available to them and their employees as enhanced enforcement of immigration laws increase through worksite enforcement under the federal administration?

Producing Multi-Part Series—Exploring Population Change: What will the shift in numbers and demographics mean for impact on natural resources and the economy in California, such as sustainable water resources, rising pension debt, and housing supply?

Cultivating Unconventional Partnership with Neighborhood Advocates: What template can local neighborhood advocates and business stakeholders develop to scale statewide to meet the unique needs of communities while working toward filling the housing gap?

Bursting California’s Water Bubble: Given the inevitability of droughts and expected rising temperatures in the future, what’s the best course of action? How can we stabilize current water supply reliably and advance alternative sourcing of water innovatively and cost-effectively, while stirring urgency in the business community to embrace a greater portfolio of water solutions?

Break Out of Silos for Workforce Readiness: What niche opportunities are available in collaboration with educators to enable more industry input and participation in curriculum development and career pathway programs, especially in developing practical training and internship opportunities?

Promote Public-Private Partnerships (P3s): How do we leverage hundreds of millions of dollars in private investment and induce funding of critical public projects in California, such as the crumbling transportation, water conveyance, and energy systems, to mitigate burden on taxpayers?

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