Database Category: Anti-Poverty & Homelessness

Considering the recent COVID-19 pandemic, we recognised a lack of synthesis amongst the available literature pertaining to the intersections of homelessness and pandemic response and planning. Therefore, the purpose of this review was to identify relevant peer-reviewed literature in this area to thematically produce evidence-based recommendations that would inform community planning and response amongst homeless […]

This chapter reviews current knowledge around child maltreatment and poverty. The past ten years have seen substantial advances in the body of available empirical work, and it is now apparent that poverty is not only associated with maltreatment, but that it is at least partly a causal factor. Previous assertions that the overrepresentation of the […]

The vast majority of people who were unhoused in California before coronavirus swept across the state are exactly where they were. Encampments still line the streets. Shelters feel more like a risk than a refuge. And affordable housing is as elusive as ever.

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