Database Category: Environment

Sub-topics: New Revenues Without Raising Taxes; Support for Small Business; Protections for Working Families; Investments in our Green Economy

Broadband (high-speed Internet access) is an essential 21st Century infrastructure and a necessity for California’s future global competitiveness, prosperity, and high quality of life. The use of diverse broadband driven applications also has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and energy consumption, helping meet local, state, and federal air quality standards.

A stimulus plan to retrofit homes and replace gas appliances for low-income Californians and small businesses will help fight climate change and create jobs.

The requirements begin in 2024. By 2035, 55% of delivery vans and large pickups, 75% of commercial trucks such as garbage trucks and 40% of the big rigs sold in California must be emissions-free.

California EPA Secretary Jared Blumenfeld laid out plans for re-examining whether the program is likely to meet its goals for reducing greenhouse gases. It signals a shift in the administration’s attitude and reflects problems posed by the pandemic-caused recession.

The transition to a post-COVID world is not going to be as simple as offering more micromobility options than before. How can service providers look to fill the void that COVID-19 has created?

California can continue to lead in the transportation energy markets of the future by making investments that stimulate green transportation.

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