Database Category: Housing

The pace and scope of digital innovation targeting the real estate industry has intensified over the past decade. This article is therefore concerned with the digitization of the residential real estate industry, and how critical housing scholars might shape a research agenda on this transformation.

The efficiency of monetary policy substantially depends on the phase of the housing cycle since house prices are important determinants of banks’ willingness to lend. This paper presents evidence on 31 countries which shows that over the pandemic Covid-19 period, in a regime of a strong housing market, the effects of a monetary expansion are […]

The governor, lawmakers and interest groups confront thorny questions in mad dash to prevent “eviction wave.”

A loophole in the state eviction moratorium forces hundreds from their homes after shelter-in-place orders. Without clear state orders, sheriff departments decide whether to evict.

Virus hot spot Imperial County went forward with eviction proceedings barred by the state judicial system. The full scope of evictions is unknown.

State lawmakers have just five weeks to come up with solutions to massive pandemic-related problems and prevent Californians of all stripes – tenants, landlords, small-business owners, essential workers – from falling off the edge of a cliff.

Sub-topics: New Revenues Without Raising Taxes; Support for Small Business; Protections for Working Families; Investments in our Green Economy

With a series of temporary protections that helped Californians get through the first few months of the pandemic set to expire soon, Gov. Gavin Newsom hinted he will today extend some programs in another flex of executive power.

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